Saturday, May 19, 2012



June 1 2012 we will be relocating the Studio to our new 1300 sq ft space…The two large windows are US!

The sign on the studio wont be up until mid June but here is the idea!



I am so excited about this space!… Our New location will have a separate change / dressing room designed for fairy sessions, a small room for soothing, changing and feeding babies.. and tons of studio and storage space.. WE are ready to shoot June 3rd and look forward to posting a future OPEN HOUSESmile 

June 4th starts NEW STUDIO HOURS!!.. WE will be open Tuesdays 10-3pm, Thursdays 10-3pm and Fridays 10-2pm  for anyone wanting a gift certificate , to book a session in person, or pick up a dvd…

Parking for the new studio is on main street … There is a parking lot in behind main street across from us, with easy access to the studio. Parking on Main St is always free on weekends Smile

For anyone coming to see us using GPS.. Our NEw address is 252 Main St .. Beside the Post Office and Currah’s Cafe.

See you all in the new studio in JUNE and thank you to everyone who got us here!!..

All my amazing clients,friends, family, my gorgeous daughter and of course the man who stands beside me through it all Smile, and holds my hand while we ride the waves.. Matt