Friday, November 12, 2010

In Memory of Bradlee

Project1In Loving Memory of my Son Bradlee who passed away Dec 25 1996 of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome..

Bradlee you ARE the reason I do what I do...
When my son passed away I had very few pictures of him.. memories that are now just locked away in my head..
Images trigger memories..whether happy or sad... we can never have enough images of the people we care about most..especially our kids!
Join us December 21 2010...
ATW Photography will be giving away FREE 20 min sessions to parents with little ones.
For each session booked I will donate
$5 to The Faces Of loss, Faces of Hope Website &
$5 in memory of Bradlee to SIDS Canada..

I have been a member of SIDS Canada for 14 years, donations are needed to help find the reasons we lose our precious babies.
I have recently become a member of Faces of Loss, Faces of hope.. and love what they are doing to support moms and dads through the grieving process..

BOOK NOW to help these organizations

For Parents of little ones... age 0-5 years old..
20 min session includes DVD of images and WILL be delivered before Christmas!
There are very few spots...BOOK NOW!